Complicated Relationship Question?


Jun 4, 2008
Alright, so my boyfriend of four years asked me to marry him and I'm ecstatic! He's everything I've ever wanted and we work so well together. My problem is, my fiancee is Nigerian and he has the gorgeous dark skin to match his nationality. Unfortunately, my family is fairly racist. My parents have gotten used to it, and are more supportive now then they were at the start, but my extended family has no clue and definitely would NOT be okay with it. I'm from a rural area, and have always been really close to my extended family, and it would break my heart if they didn't come to my wedding. I guess my question is, how can I resolve this or best break this news to my family? I realize that it's going to come as a shock and they won't exactly be thrilled for me, but I want to minimize the damage as much as possible. Help?!
you have to face it head on

your family will not change

they either will rejoice with you or they will not

don't make a big deal of it

if they don't want to share in your happy day, they don't have to

weddings are stressful enough without worrying about stupid racists

If you really love this guy,then do what makes you happy.
It is YOUR choice who you talk to/date/marry not theirs. Have a talk with them and explain to them how you feel about him and how happy he makes you,and if they really love you then they would want you to be happy.
Let them know how crushed and hurt you would be to not come to the wedding or accept y'all.
Assure them that they do not have to like them,they are entitled to their own feelings but ask them to show some respect to your feelings and how you care for him.They don't have to like them,but they should at least be there for you as a family should be.