Compare the 2011 Aaron Rogers season and the 1989 Montana season. Which one

I was 6 years old so I cant judge... but I think its funny how short some people's memory can be... I still think Brady had an amazing year in 07 and there were games they pulled the dogs off the opponent, and Peyton and Brett have had some amazing seasons... the rules have opened up the game, and it will make it so that a great QB can look like a surgeon out there.... Brees hasn't get into the talk for great seasons either...
The deciding factors will be if the Packers win it all.... I know even though I am not a Packers fan they have been fun to watch (except when I am facing their players in fantasy)
Aaron Rogers has a long long long way to go to even come close to Joe Montana. Not only that but Aaron Rogers would have to surpass Tom Bradys' records from 07 because only Tom Brady is the only QB that is compared to Montana and have broken some of his records.

2011 Aaron Rogers season isn't even close to how awesome 07 Tom Brady was. To think of comparing Aaron to Montana is crazy he isn't there yet.

Aaron and Montana are both really smart and both accurate especially on scrambling. However, montana had such a great supporting cast in offense and defense he was complete all around. Aaron has great targets but a shaky defense which might put and end on their perfect season pursuit.