Commuinication Examples


New member
Mar 29, 2008
I need help writing like 15 more journal entries for my comm class. I only have to write a paragraph for each entry, but I'm fucking distracted by the Nation. THANK YOU SMALL TALK. Anyway, I have written about how Serra tried to intimidate GSP, and how idiots make those sites where they say they're gonna kill themselves in 90 days and some other bullshit I made up.

I need moar topics pl0x
1. The VERI chip
2. Your opinion on the veri chip
3. Lowering the drinking age
4. Allowing the elderly to drive
5. The war in iraq
6. Your view on the war in iraq
7. The Lolwut pear
8. Possible issues arising from Iran
9. What a woman president might change if elected president of the United States
10. Stereotype's and why they're right / wrong
11. Chinese food
12. California possibly breaking off from the US from an earthquake
13. Alligators that live in sewers
14. Panda's
15. What if Bruce Lee hadn't gotten shot during the movie scene.
holy shit you are awesome. I will def do one on the lolwut pear. although none of those are communications related.