College Dating – How long do I have to wait to put out if I’m hoping for a


May 14, 2008
relationship? Unlike high school student the average college kid is going to be slightly more experienced (at least I’d hope so). I’m about to be a rising junior and I’ve gone on a couple pretty casual dates with an incredibly adorable grad student. It’s clear that we’re both far from being virgins, in fact one of the few things that I am extremely confident about are my abilities to impress in the bedroom. So why wait? My past affairs have always started out with me putting out much too early and then having a slightly dysfunctional relationship (which is I acknowledge is my fault). So I wanted to get this one right (because guys, he is probably the cutest thing I’ve ever set my eyes on) but all my friends seem to give me conflicting advice.
One of my friends suggested to sleep with him once I felt ready, which, lets be honest, would have been on the first date. Then others tell me to wait until we’re exclusive or even an official couple, which seems a little drastic.

What I’ve done thus far is end things with my casual hook up, which may have been a huge mistake because now I have no one to entertain me while I try to act virtuous. I’ve gone on five dates with my grad student in just over a month. Of course I couldn’t keep it totally PG letting some above the waist action and a sleepover (no s*x) happen.

So how long would you wait? Has it been long enough? Can he still take me serious if I just go for it? Do I need to DTR before hand (I hate those talks)? Actually I’d love any tips or personal examples you have (I adore hearing about other people’s love lives).