Clothing Questions, Very Interesting, Girls and Guys?


New member
Nov 7, 2008
Everyone: If you discover that one of your favorite articles of clothing has a stain on it (ex. shirt, jeans), do you freak out? Because I kind of do. I don't have a hissy fit about it, but I definitely get perturbed. It's upsetting to find a grease stain on a shirt especially if you haven't eaten anything greasy for a while, you know ?!

Everyone: How can you tell the specifics of a stain on a shirt? For example, whether it is a grease stain, or a detergent stain caused by an abundance of the detergent substance in a certain area of the shirt. Grease and Detergent stains happen to look very much alike. And, I am asking about any stain on any piece of clothing. Obviously, a grass stain is going to be green whether on a shirt or pair of pants, but what about other stains?

Everyone: How/when to decide on putting clothes in the hamper? CAN YOU GO BY SMELL? What about NIGHTSHIRTS? Can you where them over?

GUYS: Would you still wear a shirt with a major grease stain or other stain in public? Or just at home? Or not at all?

GUYS: What do you consider a "ruined" shirt?

GIRLS: Voice your opinion on this? What is your first reaction when you meet a guy with a stained shirt? Is it a turnoff? Or does it show he's a hard worker?
Naw...I never wear stained shirts in public...I always clean/iron/roll the lints off my shirts....I wear old shirts at home though...

- Grease stains look kinda yellowish...and they get darker overtime...

- A shirt that has a stain that doesn't go away is pretty much ruined....
If I spill something on my shirt, I change it (unless I'm at work or in the studio--artist) right away. Anything with a stain gets washed again, even if I just pulled it out of the wash and it's a detergent stain.
Clothes in the hamper: visibly dirty/stained/sweaty. Shirts are one day only, ditto with undies and socks. Bras can be doubled. Jeans, I go about a week, but I get into a lot of crap at school, so it's not worth changing them daily. Nighties/PJs, usually only one night, but can go a few if I'm traveling.
Guys with stained shirts: What is the stain and context? If he's been working on a car, doing housework, manly stuff, etc. no prob. If it's food--never okay, it means he's a pig.
It depends. i wash intimates after a day no matter what. I clean up shirts if I've sweated in them or there's a stain or something. I try to stay as clean as i can though. I clean pants maybe after 2 or 3 times i've worn them.

i don't think it's a turnoff unless it's ridiculously noticeable.
if i see a guy who looks like he just got of of work with a stained shirt i pay no mind really i mean he was working. clothing wise depends. sometimes i go on smell before i was but see i take the busses everywhere and i do not care if i just took that outfit out of the dryer after going out and waring it on the bus to a doc apt to see a movie anything of that sort as soon as i get home i take those close off and toss them in the hamper. I am a ger-a-phobe! and refuse to ware that stuff in my nice clean appt after being a stinky smelly bus with a load of ppl who look like they havent bathed in months.
you have some weird OCD thing with clean shirts...

is your detergent blue? because mine is, so if there's too much detergent on the clothes, that type of stain, it's blue

all clothes can be worn over, especially jeans, as long as they're not stained or smelly in any way (not underwear of course)