Claiming to be a Christian Knight?


May 14, 2008
I know this guy, who claims that he is a knight. He's quite an... interesting guy. Apparently it's because of his religion, he claims that he is a Christian Knight. He made his own "Order" The Order of Christian Knights. He claims that he took his vows and has promised to be noble and to not have sex until he's married so he is a Knight. I see his whole theory as a little flawed. He has now changed his name on facebook to be Sir(Name). He HONESTLY believes this, he claims that he is very mature for his age (17) but I think that if he were mature he wouldn't pretend to be something he's not, I know it doesn't matter, but REALLY, it's annoying that he thinks he is a legitimate knight when he's not.
I just want to know what other people think about this, I think he's being ridiculous.
St. Paul calls us Christian soldiers in the Bible and he also says we must put on the armor of God. This is probably what your friend is referring to.