Chrome Freezing Issues?


Active member
May 13, 2008
I have searched for answers and posted a question in Google forums, it seems an ongoing problem but no answers.
I prefer using chrome. The problem is, if you open a new tab, the previous tab when you go back freezes ( no scroll movement, no refresh or go back buttons work) .You have to close the browser and start again.
I have concerns about this issue, when you're signed in, say Wordpress or website C/panel as an example, even using chrome to sign into yahoo answers if you use the sign in using Google option you sign in and the page has frozen.
I am using IE to post this question, not my prefered browser.
Has there been any answers to this issue.
Your tips and help greatly appreciated.
First of all uninstall chrome
then install dotnetframework 4.1
then reinstall chrome
hope it helps you
update the H out of Chrome so all the plug-ins are up to date.
uninstall and re-install Chrome to get rid of some plug-in that never uninstalled correctly and might be causing problems.