Christmas Lists


New member
Mar 21, 2008
Yes I know it's only October, but I have just been handed a christmas list by my daughter.
Netbook + other stuff like thatGirly things like bath bombs (?) + games + more.Hair things + hair dummy (for hairdressing I assume)Cloths (I think she means clothes)Spy stuff/cool spy cloths (clothes), walkie talkies + more like CSI Investigation+ many moreand finally money
So a netbook and money and much more.

I have four kids, so I think they can all have new cloths, I'm nice like that.

So what can Santa bring you this year.
lol... You have your marching orders, so...

* chuckles @ number 7

Good luck, Simon.

As for me, since you're in the giving mood, a nice family Christmas for the kids. Simple. Family happiness, harmony, and dysfunction with a bow on top. What more can a guy ask for?
Suckers you have to wait! my birthday is in 11 days

I'm asking for a new backpack, one of those "skinny kid" watches or whatever they call them (the really skinny sports ones, though it'd be small enough to get away with wearing during martial arts ) and an iPod case.

I'm doing the same thing for my birthday party that I did the last ... 3 years. And I usually invite like 30 people so I just have them all donate birthday money to a charity (last year it was probably world vision or something, I can't remember)
Buy me a Gi please?

Also, 20 years of hardcore martial arts experience packed into a half hour lesson.
This lesson will be half an hour of Simon S beating you with sticks and everything in his knowledge to explain the essence of martial arts - Don't get into a fight expecting you'll always win.
well I'd rather be fighting for a living, can't do that with a 40 year old body, there are exceptions, but I don't want to have to become one ;p
Man wait till you are 40, have a large mortgage, 4 kids and a job that keeps you out of the house for 14 hours per day.

You'll know fighting for a living.
Loving the "and money" thrown in at the end

Money's tight and I'm getting past the stage where buying crap makes me happy. That said I'm thinking The Shield box series and these little beauties so I can finally get back into airsoft

Hmm I claim I don't care about buying crap yet I'm asking for a few hundred quids worth of toys

If MAP wants to club together and pay for my CBT, a bike, the insurance and all the gear I need there will be many brownies and hugs in it for you.
A green belt.

(of course I'm hoping i will have my green belt test before christmas day and pass it.)
This is a christmas wish list

on a martial arts forum

I can't believe no one has asked for

Spike Jones All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth - YouTube