Christians: Do you think that Hell is an adequate punishment for someone who


Active member
May 11, 2008
was simply unaware of the Gospel? It sounds a little unfair if you ask me. And please, none of this, "Well, that's divine justice" nonsense. Use the common sense that God supposedly gave people to think about the question for a moment.
So I guess we don't need missionaries, do we?
@Pastors George and Sharon
I'd love to hear your opinion on the "Lake of Fire", then.
Want the bible's answer:

"For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."

Romans 1:20

People who through no fault of their own do not know of the Gospel message or the true Church may still be saved. This is the teaching of the original and true Christian Church. It is only unauthorized manmade denominational churches that preach this non-biblical exclusivist message, dictating to God whom He may and may not save.
Please understand that the Bible says hell is the grave in both the old testament and the new. That's where we all go when we die, and it's not a place of eternal torture or punishment.
A Just God will never condemn someone to hell that hasn't chosen to be there by their own choice. I have heard testimonies of missionaries that have met born again people in the sticks that God revealed Himself to them that they may have that same choice all of us have. It may have been in dreams or visions etc...WE must remember God loves everyone and none will go to their graves without the opportunity to accept Him as Lord and Savior
Talking of missionaries:

Eskimo: "If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?"
Priest: "No, not if you did not know."
Eskimo: "Then why did you tell me?"
I agree. See "Hell" below.

God: An Omniscient Being

Jesus: An individual who teaches that only through an anal-nasal relationship with him shall you prove your righteousness and teaches God who is righteous as if He is too stupid to already know it. (Not applicable to an Omniscient God.)

Reality: a place where all created (except most plants), are required to eat each other and, if that weren't sic enough, be also required to leave a terd afterward.

Hell: the trash can of an ignorant God who didn't create to His Standards. (Not applicable to an Omniscient God.)

Damnation/Infidels: An act of an ignorant God who doesn't feel He got it right in creating you. (Not applicable to an Omniscient God.)

Forgiveness: An Act by an ignorant God who is offended by his creation(s) as if He is too stupid to know what He is doing in creating them.

Judgment: An act whereby one learns what he DOESN'T know from what he does know. (Not applicable to an All-Knowing God.)

Judgment Day: a concept whereby an ignorant God learns what He doesn't know from what He does know about you as if He is too stupid to already know you on your day of conception. (Not applicable to an Omniscient God.)

Freewill: A concept of ignorance in which ALL involved have no omniscience...including the ALL-Knowing. (Not applicable to an Omniscient God or His created reality(ies).

Sin: an action that can only exist in either an Evil God's presence (applicable to an All-Knowing God), or an Ignorant Gods presence.(Not applicable to an Omniscient God.)

Prayer: Communicating to an Omniscient God as if He doesn't already know what you are going to say/feel/intend. (Not applicable to an Omniscient God).

Original Sin: Either an act of eating from a tree where an ignorant god didn't know it was going to happen (Not applicable to an Omniscient God), or an Act of Placing a Tree where God knows, with absolute truth, it will do harm, thereby proving God is capable of creating harm and is an Evil Omniscient God.

Tree of Knowledge: A creation by an ignorant God who was too stupid to know putting that tree in the Garden of Eden wasn't going to work out for Him, Adam or Eve. (Not applicable to an All-Knowing God). A creation by an ignorant God who couldn't come up with the idea that He can create realities, and put the tree two or three or twelve realities away --securing the need to the tree to not be eaten from...but doesn't. (Not applicable to an Omniscient God.)

Adam & Eve: two people created by an ingnorant God who didn't know they were going to eat. (Not applicable to an Omniscient God). Two people created without ranker as an Omniscient God knew as He was creating them to eat from the tree; blessed their eating by not creating the other two people who He knew--with absolute truth-- *would not* eat.
When religion ruled the was called "The Dark Ages"

And upon closing the gates after casting Adam & Eve out, the Omniscient turneth, and whilst brushing His hands proclaimth, "How was *I* supposed to know putting that tree there was going to be a "bad thing"....who do you expect me to be???? THE ALL-KNOWING!!!"

The footprints of Freewill appear behind you.....the footprints of omniscience appear before you, even if you are not the Omniscient One.

**Watch the record breaking thumbs-down. It's going to be fun seeing people thumbs-down the idea "God is All-Knowing," then (when the time comes) explain to HIM why He is *not* All-Knowing. Then I will explain to Him why He is All-Knowing.
Pull up a lawn chair! This is going to be great!!!
I'd suggest to you that gods, heavens, hells, talking snakes, unicorns (yup, they are in the bible) cockatrices, flying serpents, are all imaginary inventions of the human imagination.

There is no hell. sorry.
God has every tiny detail of us on record. Come Judgement Day He will take ALL things into account. He knows who refused to accept Christ having been given the gospel and He knows who NEVER heard about His Son in any way, shape or form.
Obviously it wouldn't be....and this would tell you quite a lot about God even if he did exist. They guy is pretty stupid and petty...there's no way he can be omnipotent and no way he can be very clever.

So its pretty funny to realize that so many people worship something that basically is inferior to you and me in its judgment and ethical understanding.
God is just. Everyone will get what they deserve. Others will be punished more, and others less.
Christians hide behind the bible (a book written by man) to make the fairy tale sound plausible. When you stand back and look at it with a clear mind, there is no sane person that would believe that nonsense.