Christians: Do you really want to see people who didnt accept your god suffer?

I guess god, and everybody in Heaven is sadistic too, because they're supposed to be infinitely "happy" while they know their relatives who were "doomed" are suffering for "eternity."
Im a christian. And I belive in jesus christ and that he died on the cross for our sins. (includeing yours) you should'nt worry about suffering and what christians think about it. But, HEY at least your reading the bible. Thats a step to not suffering. And NO nobodys happy about people suffering not even god. Just dont deny him! And I will pray for you ! Cuz u need god ! :)
Careful,even christians are not safe. its not hearing that will save you, but obeying the law of GOD that will. Look around you,do you see many christians obeying the law of GOD?.I'm christian and i tell you the road to heaven is narrow and full of surprises.
Love one another, as GOD loved us all. If you don't understand this,you will never come close to GOD.
Why can't it be understood once and for all that people are born, we grow up and live life for however it might be, then we all will die. There is nothing coming or going for anyone after death. Has anyone past by a cemetery lately and heard screaming coming from graves? I don't think so. Also, hell does not exist nor heaven. This earth is all that anyone will ever have.
Those who deny God and suffer are the ones who are too arrogant to admit they were wrong once he reveals himself. He will give them tons of chances and they will still deny him because they can't handle being wrong. I would like to see you post the part where we supposedly watch as these people suffer.
No, I do not want to see anyone suffer. Christians preach God's Word specifically to keep people from suffering. And no, we will not have a front row seat (or any seat) to see it.