Christians - Can you take a look at this?


New member
Feb 8, 2013

Yes, because the Bible contains NO contradictions whatsoever, right?
The Bible is not wrong. Only one's interpretation of the Bible can create a contradiction.

So no. Actually, there is nothing in life that truly contradicts. There is more than one truth out there. All you need to do is use that brain that God gave to you.

You know how I became a Christian? I took a single hour out of every single day of my life just to think. Still to this very day I do so. Instead of mindlessly following what you may instantly assume of 'right', why don't you think it through? I came to the conclusion of Christianity through that time because it seemed the most logical. I spend time reading the verses to understand the actually meaning rather than just glancing over them. Good day to you.
To be honest, what do you expect from a 3000 year old children's book intended for children that through some strange event managed to become the object of worship for over 2.1 Billion idiots.
You do realize to prove what you say you must prove what the author meant when he wrote it? if you can not do this you are just a fool spouting lies as satan does.
So teach us what the bible means, you seem to know more than anyone else that has ever lived. There has been scholars that studied all their lives and did not know what you claim to know in what you say.
So start with whatever you want and any radio or television station will put you on to teach all what the bible means all the way through it. No other human has ever had the knowledge you say you have so teach us all. And because you can (LOL) any television station will make you your own show to do it.
That kind of knowledge and understanding has never been known by man, and once you do that (explain the meaning of the whole bible and what God means by saying it that way). You will know so much you can cure any disease and all other problems the world has.You put yourself above all other humans that have ever existed saying this, now go and prove it. Or are you just a liar like satan is?
You can email me and tell me what it all means, I really want to know but I seek God for it. You just have it, so why not give it to all? On television explaining what it all means, for you say you know and can prove it by what you say. So go do it, we are waiting, I hope you are not just a liar like satan is and just trying to start fights like satan and deceive like satan.
I watched this rubbish for a few minutes. If you take a verse out of context you will make it look like a contradiction. AS Bible scholars state - the Bible answers its own puzzles and surface contradictions, but you have to know it well.

Sometimes Jesus said over-the-top exagerated things to make people think, and perhaps to ask questions. Lots misunderstood him for this, for instance he talked about the need for a believer to hate his parents to be a totally commited disciple - but the meaning is far more subtle, he was comparing the love we have for our family as being much less important than our love and loyalty to God. Some Christians who have moved far away to obey the call of God on their lives have appeared to hate (disregard) their family, but they have chosen a more superior kind of loving as priority.

The scripture that balances up the command of Jesus to 'hate' parents is the serious 5th Commandment to HONOUR our parents! Jesus did not suddenly discard that! You CANNOT interpret scripture without studying the context.
How dare you question the word of G-d? You'll have plenty of time to make fun of the LORD when you're burning in H-ll!
To be honest, what do you expect from a 3000 year old children's book intended for children that through some strange event managed to become the object of worship for over 2.1 Billion idiots.
Well done, however there are far more discrepancies but why count. The Bible is either infallible/holy or full of discrepancies/garbage.