Chocolate birthday cake recipe (with restrictions)?


Apr 16, 2008
I'm making a B-day cake (chocolate) tomorrow. I have limited resources, so I'd like a recipe that:
1. Doesn't require more than a stick of butter (probably accomplished with halfing the recipe, but if I could sub milk to get a regular sized recipe that'd be awesome)
2. Doesn't require 2 cake pans (I don't have them, I have a loaf pan and a square baking pan, but not the typical 2 baking pans for a cake cake pan). I'm OK with baking a larger cake and cutting it in half for frosting the insides.
3. Include a frosting recipe. I suck with frosting. My cakes come out pretty well, but I've yet to get a good, nummy frosting. I'm hoping that since this is a choco cake, that it'll come out better than when I did a butter cream frosting (which HAS to be loaded with sugar...which was too sweet for our taste.)
4. Uses coco powder, NOT bars of chocolate, as a chocolate source.
5. I'm using Ener-G egg replacer, so no recipes that require me to whip whites separate from the yolks. The B-Day girl & her mother don't eat eggs.

I'll most likely give a bestie to someone who gives add'l tips, instead of simply copy/pasting the recipe.