Chewing tobacco, Help please?


May 17, 2008
I chew sometimes, I'm 18, but I don't want to get addicted. How much do you have to do before you get addicted?
That depends a lot on your personality and brain chemistry. Some people can do it all the time and quit with no problem. Most people have serious issues with it. I would generally say that so long as it isn't a weekly thing you're ok. If it's like twice a month you're probably not addicted.
If you are chewing at all then apparently you have taken a liking to it, which in turn already makes you addicted. Since you are concerned about becoming addicted now's the best time to stop cold turkey. if you have withdrawals try hard candy and or chewing gum and keep busy as much as you can. After a few weeks you'll come to hate it. I quit smoking with this method after 38 years and 2 packs a day. You will be glad you did and any girl friend you may have will also be glad. Good luck and God bless.