Check out my states food. West Coast = Jealous.


Real mans BBQer.

And Cali is by far gayer then Texas...

Texas still sucks though, maybe I am biased after spending two hellish years in McAllen Texas though... Fucking shit-hole.
I hate texans. Seriously, they get off from the sound of their own voice. I'm not exactly sure what makes them such assholes, I don't hear of anything important coming from there...
Um according to EVERYONE including me who eat barbeque, Texas BBQ fucking blows. Texans are notorious for ruining perfectly good food.
Fuck you and this thread. the picture is making me hungry and its 3 am right now.
Nothing important comes from Texas? Really? Are you that stupid? Im not even going to get into this with you.

Youre from the MW. I lived there and I can personally say every ounce of BBQ I had sucked, and I went to ribfest. You have no idea what youre fucking talking about.

Fuck New Jersey, home of Americas garabage. And youre also known for waste disposal too.