Charles Lunsford author of Running with George Jun 6 9PM EST - Jun 07,2013


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Mar 4, 2009
It's never too late to find love A week after Chester (known as Chick) turns forty-nine he views his reflection in the mirror in his dining room and vows to get his "sorry ass in shape." One day as he is bending over to tie his running shoes, he hears someone coming up behind him and looks up to see the finest ass and legs in a pair of black spandex shorts he has ever seen. What starts out as a possible love interest becomes more than a friendship that helps Chick rejoin the human race. Running with George, proves that anything is possible through love dedication and a good hard sweat. Charles Lunsford comes from a long line of storytellers. He the first one to put pen to paper (or in this case, fingertip to keyboard). His grandmother, father, brothers, nieces, and nephews would regale everyone, wide-eyed with excitement, with stories of our family history. Like the wizard, in the Broadway show Wicked, said to Elfiba, “There are all kinds of stories that aren't true…where I come from, we call it history.” Please join us on June 6 9PM EST on Stonewall Live! Charles Lunsford | Gay and Lesbian | Running With George | Gay Love after 50 | Stonewall National Museum and Archives
