Celeb Big brother grrrrrrrrrrrrr?


New member
Aug 29, 2008
im shocked and angry that verne troyer didnt won who the heck voted for snotty ulrika to win that is a bad choise she is stupid. i demand that verne troyer wins BB celeb 2009 :D

ulrika jonnyson was misbadly shot out of a cannon and ended up in brian blessed,s botty and verne won BB celeb its offical and brian said GORDANS ALIVE cuz he was shocked lol
and dont use your fake wig as a bush coverup pebbles !!!
I didn't see the results last night,and now I know the results im glad I missed it!
Whatever were they thinking voting Ulrika to win?!In my opinion they couldn't of chose a worse person to win.She is way too snobby and her winning is only going to make her even more stuck up.
Verne,Coolio or Terry would of made much better winners-they certainly provided entertainment not boredom like Ulrika!
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I know i am in total shock that she won!!
I would rather any of the others in the final had wom than her.
I actually wanted coolio to win, just because he made the show interesting, and he admitted that he wanted to win...which makes a nice change as most people pretend they dont want to....
Or Ben as hes just a nice guy. Verne was hilarious crashing into the diary room door...and Terry was a funny guy too. But Ulrika...she was just bossy. I cant believe who voted for her....i meen really??
Couldnt agree with you more!
I know i am in total shock that she won!!
I would rather any of the others in the final had wom than her.
I actually wanted coolio to win, just because he made the show interesting, and he admitted that he wanted to win...which makes a nice change as most people pretend they dont want to....
Or Ben as hes just a nice guy. Verne was hilarious crashing into the diary room door...and Terry was a funny guy too. But Ulrika...she was just bossy. I cant believe who voted for her....i meen really??
Couldnt agree with you more!