Catholics: Why do you mix pagan easter-egg hunts into the scriptural command to


New member
Nov 5, 2011
celebrate Christ's death? Like this one:

We Jehovah's Witnesses keep it focused on Jesus. We believe there are other more appropriate times to eat chocolate bunnies.

Where in scripture does it suggest incorporating pagan activities into scriptural celebrations?
Such harmless activities are fun for kids. It is a cultural tradition, not a Catholic one. You do know that eggs have long been used as a symbol for resurrection - right? Anyway, why would you be concerned about what Christians do?
I didn't see them try and quote any scripture to back up their Easter egg hunt. I hope everyone knows of it's Pagan roots. The only reason it bothers me that a lot of Christians celebrate these Pagan rooted holidays is because they think so badly of Halloween when it's still the same thing as putting up x-mas trees and eating hot cross buns on Easter.
GOD HAS PUT US UNDER GRACE....COL 2:16 and you are not the judge thank too boring skipping holidays...GOD IS NOT against chocolate...He is more open minded...LEGALISM DIED AT THE CROSS...WHY DO YOU DENY THE HOLY TRINITY???
Are you baptized in lemon juice?
Why do you want to take away what the children will remember about Jesus' resurrection memorial and why not use it as something to point to Christ.
JWs take away all the joys of childhood

When I was young we painted eggs with symbols of the resurrection
and i was told what they meant
I do not remember any of the sermons i heard but i remember that

Also the Baptist Church near me has an advertized Easter Egg hunt and that is innocent
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And why not? You have a problem with kids having fun chasing chocolate eggs? Is there some kind of prohibition that it can't be done on the same day?

No? Then what are you complaining about?
So you are mad at one faction of christianity..because its random, madeup rituals differ from your faction of christianity's random, made-up rituals.

This is why people don' take you seriously. But its also why the US will never be a christian nation: Cant even stop attacking each otherl ong enough to make progress.

I Call this the "Beholder Theory." Because its how beholders in D&D act in regard to each other and their kin over time.