Career Changes: Britney Spears Thinks It's Time To Live Her Life On Her Own



In this year of kooky, transformational promotional schemes--from 7-Elevens pretending to be Kwik-E-Marts to Diddy pretending to be LonelyGirl15--we gotta give props to the former Mrs. Federline, who's attempting the most extreme makeover of all. Tell us the voice of the Human League's Phil Oakey doesn't flood your brain the minute you read this:

Britney Spears wants to become a cocktail waitress in a Hollywood bar, according to reports.

The pop superstar is understood to have been interviewed for the role at Les Deux in Hollywood recently.Britney, who is currently understood to be working on her new album, apparently told the manager at the bar she "loved the sexy red corsets" worn by the waitresses.

"She filled out the application, including her work history, address, Social Security number, and then she went to a back room for an interview with the manager.

"Everyone thought she was joking, but she seemed dead serious," a source told Life And Style Weekly.​
The airline-hostess look worked for Brit-Brit bigtime four years ago; who's to say this wouldn't look better? Here's hoping they gave her tray-balancing lessons on the "Toxic" shoot. And give the girl props: She has a fallback life plan.
Britney to become cocktail waitress? [Yahoo! Music]
