Car accident


Apr 13, 2008
I'm all sad. A good friend of mine just got hit by a car on her way out of our karate class. She ran in front of it. She's all right though, broken knee apparently. No more karate for a while for her.
How awful! I am really sorry to hear about your friend. And Kwaj is right - the rehab is VERY important. Try to help her keep her spirits up when she gets frustrated and is in pain. She doesn't need Nervous Nellies coddling her, she needs support and strength to get better.
I hope she'll be okay. I know how she feels...minus the brken knee. On the way home from TKD one time a lady didn't stop when turning right and hit me. she was only going about 25 and I was okay (thank God for learning how to fall correctly), I wish I could say the same for my bike . Wish her Good luck to her and hope she gets better.