Capital Punishment


Apr 13, 2008
This is sort of a strange thread, I know. But i am interested in knowing people opinions on Capital Punishment. Personally, I'm against it, as I do not believe that we have a right to end another human beings life in spite of what crime he has committed, and it is very easy to wrongly convict someone for a crime they have not done. What are your opinions?
Oh, I think this has been done before, and it always ends up fun

Some crimes probably do deserve death. Whether or not the state has the right to end a person's life....I'm unsure.

Maybe they should just be shipped off to do the most dangerous, awful work in the world, without pay. That way, at least we get something out of them, rather than having to pay for them being in prison and watching TV. And if they die on the job.....they die.
I'm sure a lot of things "deserve" capital punishment, because it's our innate human want to see vengeance for things done to use. Reasonably speaking however, I would much prefer life in prison without parole over death penalty. It allows us to learn more about why criminals do the things they do. Most of the time, it's not the criminal themself who is evil, but things that have been done to them that make them that way.

That being said, there have been murders so atrocious that I sometimes forget reason and want the death penalty - or at least as much pain as possible inflicted on the criminal.

Serial pedophilia is another thing I wish would be a life in prison sentence.
6 by 3 cell concrete bed and a blanket is all cons should get.
making prison cosy is hardly a deterent
when ever this debate gets hashed up again I am always wondering which type of punishment costs the taxpayer more?

Capital punishment or life in prison?

Surely there have been studies. I say whatever is cheaper.
How much could a bullet possibly cost?
I do believe that we have the right to end the life of people who will only ever do harm to the people around them. However I also think that there's no way to administer this idea flawlessly. So in practice it can't ever work. I think the death penalty is based on an entirely undestandable need for visible justice to be done, but in the real world it just leaves a nasty taste in the mouth every time a person is executed after 15 years on death row or an unsound conviction or mentally ill candidate is executed. The average serial wife-beater seems as good a candidate for execution as many killers (and how many people would argue if someone shot the guy in that video punching the old lady?), but when it comes down to creating a rule of law, how do you encapsulate who is "villainous" enough to die and who is forgiveable enough to live?

Understandable concept. Impossible in practice. I'm against it.
Good points. Plus, I believe that if prison systems were better, there would be no need for execution, as many criminals could be properly rehabillitated. People will always commit crimes, but should we just execute them, or should we instead try to help them to help themselves.
I would like to know the odds of a criminal actually becoming rehabillitated. I'll bet you have a better chance of hitting the lottery twice.
I'm in favor of 'optional' capital punishment - no, seriously. It would be along the lines of a life sentence or, alternatively, the prisioner could choose to kill himself as a kind of apology if they so chose.

I regard 'rights' as entire contingent on the state's laws. There are no such things as 'natural' rights. When judging the moral validity of actions, including actions such as punishment and retribution, we can only recourse to moral philosophy - by its vary nature prior to political.

I agree the danger of killing an innocent person could be unacceptably high given an elaborate enough 'framing', or a simple mess-up in the criminal justice system. Better, as they say, for 100 guilty to live than one innocent to die. For this reason alone I think compulsory capital punishment should be prevented.

Also, 'eye for an eye' retribution may serve no purpose other than to make the one dishing out 'justice' as immoral, and hence no better than the one they punish. However I'm still undecided on this point.

The problem of punishment is, to my mind, one of the most difficult in political and moral philosophy. I want to solve it... but am still working at it!
This is a good one.

as is this one.

Its just too difficult to fairly enforce capitol punishment.
Here we go again....

Why am I doubting this one will be any better than other threads on the topic?

Oh, and studies have been done on recidivism, go read the US Department of Justice Website. No one believes me when I post links and stats.
i love capital punishment by wumpscut, awesome song

But, i say yes, because certain things just can't be forgiven, and right now one thing that comes to mind is rape. Just doing this to sometime, and if they even keep the victim alive afterwards, then they're still scarred for life and would hope for death probably. Rather tired so hard to get my thoughts out properly.