Cantonese Vs Mandarin (Chinese languages)

hmmmm very hard one! My original dialect is Cantonese, so naturally I love it, but I'm currently learning Mandarin and am really enjoying that too!! And whoever said Cantonese is less harsh :lolwut: Cantonese sounds much harsher than Mandarin, Mandarin flows a lot easier.
Strangely enough, they're not. My mum's A LOT shorter than me; if I stand behind her, I'm a whole head taller than her and my dad's about average height.

Everybody says I'm the milkman's child.
haha u cheeseman's nephew! if my dad was at least average height, i wud probably be taller than u! :( grrrrr!
depends where you go really, new territories i'd expect people to go omg a tall guy! but as you go into central hk people see it as normal :p: it's like you speak english with someone you know on the kcr trains and everyone stares (literally) but on an mtr train nobody bats an eyelid
Lol yeah i guess....Cantonese is a lot harder for someone to learn as it has so many different tones and sounds whereas Mandarin only has the 4/5 tones and the same way to say like 10 different words haha. Still I loveee Mandarin :D
You mean everyone in mainland China :woo:

I'm English, I don't speak Mandarin or Cantonese, I've traveled in HK and China though (and watched a lot of HK movies :D)
hahahaha! i always imagine that wud happen! if ur mate is BBC, then u shud speak in canto to avoid stares but maybe u like the attention u showoff! lol