can you solve this riddle?????(very difficult)?


New member
Nov 5, 2010
ok let's see if u can solve this when the question is closed i will put the solution so keep the link

ok so there are 3 guys and they go to burger king
they buy three burgers and the burgers cost 30$
the 3 men said that this is too much for 3 burgers so the manager told the employee to give them 5$ back so that they 'll have paid 25$
but the employee thinks while he was going to their table
they are 3 and i will give them 5$it can't be equally divided by three
so the employee kept 2$ so that they can share the 3$
so that means that they gave 27$
plus the 2$ the employee kept 29$
where did that 1$ go????
solve this and you 're getting lots 'o points
i'm not doing anything wrong or i'm stupid
maybe it sounds more difficult when they say it to you
well the points go to th first one who answered correctly
arreeyy! c....
total price ws 30$ for 3 burgers.....
so they gave thm 5$ bck.... nw they hv 25$......

an employee kep 2$ wid him.... tht means 27$ total nw..

n d last shared amt. left was 3$... so 27$+ 3$= 30$......
riddle solved...
u knw ur ques has d ans in it slf......:)
25 +3 is 28 not 27. 28 +2 is 30 which was the original payment. How was that hard?
This is not difficult, you are just an idiot. This has been posted more times than nudes of your mom. They paid $25 total, and then $3 was given back to them. That is $28, not $27 you imbecile. Then $2 from the employee is $30. Stop posting this damn riddle!