Can you please rate my recipe for a "white" pasta sauce, before I go and...


Mar 24, 2008
...actually start cooking it? Chop eggplant and prep in microwave. Melt duck fat in pan with salt, black pepper and garlic. Add eggplant and stir. Meanwhile, boil up some thin spaghetti or linguini (you could use any pasta, but I find the cylindrical ones have less of a tendency to stick together). Once the eggplant is really humming, add some chopped mushrooms and stir. When the pasta is ready, drain and dump onto the sauce and stir in a big goopy glop of your best mayonnaise. Top with more black pepper and serve. I've never tried this before. Do you think I should bother?
To Crystal Clear: Your recipe for white sauce would be fine if I was gonna pour it over a nice steamed cauliflower. But for pasta, I find the combination of cloves and nutmeg a litle overpowering, sorry.
BTW, I've tried both those recipes before. Why don't you try my (original) recipe before passing judgement?