Can you have a reaction to one brand of Nicotine patch and not another?


New member
Mar 7, 2012
Today I'm on my fourth day of not smoking. I've been using Sunmark brand 21 mg nicotine patches with no problems since Saturday. I left them on for a total of 12 hours and took them off before bed.

I ran out of Sunmark and put a CVS brand patch on today, same strength, instructions, etc. However, after about 6 hours I had a headache, was sweaty and anxious and my heart was going a little faster than usual. I took it off.

So, my question is can a person have a reaction to one brand of patch and not another? I'm also trying to figure out if I did something different with this one. The CVS patch didn't stick as well for me and I kept periodically rubbing at it. Is it possible I was accidentally speeding up the release of the nicotine into my bloodstream this way?

I'm confused. :/