Can you be issued a FTA warrent for not attending a civil court date?


New member
May 6, 2012
I'm being sued by a debt collector (they hired a lawyer to take me to court) and it looks like I have a court date next month. I'm debating whether it's worth fighting or not. Suppose I don't go, is that illegal? I've never had any kind of court dates and this is all new to me. Can you get arrested for not attending a civil lawsuit? Take in consideration the state I live in is Massachusetts. Also, suppose one can't pay for the judgement (if the plaintiff wins) at the present time, what can they garnish/do to enforce the judgement? At the present time I do not have a job and I don't have any open bank accounts.
@ Jimbo, The amount is around the 1,000 mark. It couldn't hurt to show up, like you said. thanks for the advice!
No this is not an arrestable offence. What will happen is that the other side will win the case by default. You would be better of going to court, it is not that terrifying in civil cases, and just tell the judge that you are dead flat broke, with absolutely no assets and no likelihood of having any in the near future. He could dismiss the case in your favor. My advise is to go, your credit is already down the toilet so you have nothing to lose, and who knows you may come out of the court a winner, but dont count on it. At least you will be able to tell your side of the story, and remember this, unless the amount that you owe is in the thousands, it is quite likely that they will not show up, it happens quite often,. They threaten you and then do not go to court, so as I have said, what have you got to lose? Good luck.
No, you cannot be arrested. You don't have to appear. If there is an attorney involved, just tell him you are judgment proof. You have no assets, so they have nothing to get.

Sometimes attorneys file suit to get a judgment rendered. Then they can collect in the future if you acquire any assets. You credit rating will then be ruined for seven years.