Can we please stop with all the whining?


New member
Sep 1, 2009
Im sick and tired of this section and its questions like Why do white people, why do black people, its really getting old. if you really want the answer click the"DISCOVER" tab and im sure you'll get 50 q&a's about the same thing you were about to type. STOP IT
why don't you just not read the questions and shut the hell up already?
"why do black ppl" questions annoy me the most. most of y!a is white american racists and bigots. questions dissing non-caucasian, non-christian and/or non-heterosexual ppl mostly.
Most people aren't asking questions here because they want an answer.

They want people to see them asking that particular question, so they can either get attention, talk to their friends on here or just get people riled up.

This site is for entertainment, not education. I realized that pretty swiftly, as I'm sure you have, and have adapted accordingly. That's why I ask questions like 'Cole me on the pannie stai?'.
No problem. But if I'm not mistaken you have asked the same type questions numerous times. Looking forward to your next question. Take Care...Star
PistolPete - trolls are everywhere on here. They will continue to ask stupid questions because that is the only way they can get their jollies. Sad but true.