Can we get custody of my boyfriends nephew!?


May 15, 2008
Me and my boyfriend want to get custody of his nephew, me, him, his parents all live together, with the little boy. His mother (my boyfriends sister) moved out and doesn't pay for anything for the baby anymore, she was never a good mother to begin with. My boyfriend suggested that he adopt the little boy, because his mom and dad are trying to see if the grandparents (them) could get custody of him, so my boyfriend just said, I will adopt him (we are both almost 30 too) but his mother said that me and him would have to be married to adopt him? so is that true? the babies dad is a loser, hes a druggie, hes a alcoholic, the baby is 2 years old, and it isn't a good place for him to go with his mom or dad, he is best off right here where he lives, his grandparents and our house. So could we adopt him?