Can we file a complain for CP not allowing children to see drying grandpa?


New member
Mar 8, 2009
My husband has court ordered parenting time (almost half the time)... while the children were not here, we found out his dad was in the hospital drying... we called the mom and asked her if we could get the kids... no call back. Their grandpa died before they could come and see him (same day actually). Does anyone know if in the state of Michigan if we can file some sort of complaint or something for this? I mean, shouldn't they have been allowed to see their grandpa one last time?? She did know we called and got our message because when we told her he died, she just shrugged her shoulders and said "oh well!"
No, he died the same day they were supposed to finally come! We called a week before he died!
If their grandfather died the same day you called to see the children, how can you really complain about that? Apparently you're dealing with a really piece of trash mom but you can't do too much about that. You will see that what comes around goes around and the kids will eventually learn how cold-hearted and petty their mom is.

I know it's a real PITA to deal with (believe me, I know - I've experienced it on both ends) but just keep putting the kids best interest first and they will see.

Good luck. She really sounds like a piece of work.