Can we blame the "Hollywood Jews for bringing us Brokeback Mountain?"?


Apr 9, 2008
NO!!! I do NOT believe this!!!

But guess who does!!!

Rev James Meeks

ANOTHER adviser who Obama seeks out for spiritual council!

Can we really trust Obama to choose good advisors once he moves into the white house considering the pathetic advisors he has chosen so far?
This is about OBAMA folks!

If you are outraged at this quote, then you need to be outraged at Obama for NOT being outraged by these folks!
Don't know if they were responsible for bringing us the movie but sure they made allot of money on it.
I don't think it's fair to target the Jews, but Hollywood does promote homosexuality and abortion and both are an affront to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I think Jesus made His view of both very clear when He said “Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must be the slave of everyone else.”
No trust whatsoever. No way. Rev. Wright was right about the underlying black power goals. It just cannot be swept under the rug and forgotten. Wake up, it is not going away. Not even if Ophra goes before the U.S. Congress and gives away solid gold Cadillacs.
Ang Lee is not a Jew nor is Annnie Proloux. It's just more proof that religion breeds ignorance and that has no place in modern life.