Can stalling out hurt anything on my jeep?


May 13, 2008
I just recently turn 16 and I got a Manuel jeep wrangler. My only issue is starting the jeep in 1st gear and going. Once I'm going I shift good, but many times when I start I stall on my first try. Its quite embarrassing but that's not the main thing, can it hurt the engine or transmission or maybe the starter from stalling out?
Just give yourselves some extra room when making a left turn; u don't want to stall in the middle of the intersection in the path of on coming traffic.

Feather the clutch, release it slowly, once u feel the the Jeep starting to move forward. Don't just pump it; that is dropping your foot off the clutch pedal immediately, when the vehicle starts to move forward.

Practice in a large parking lot, like the schools after class hours, when it's pretty empty so u have no obstacle's to run into.

U aren't hurting the tranny, engine, or starter unless u do it a couple of hundred times.

The clutch and the pressure plate are taking all the abuse, like anything, if done in an overwhelming amount of times there is the possibility of some damage
yeah . like Robert said .. you're not hurting anything .. just start raising the RPM more as you let out the clutch so you dont stall .. if you do that , in just a short while you will get it down perfectly .
so if you dont want to stall and embarrass yourself ,, just push on Te gas more and let the clutch out slowly until you are rolling and let of the clutch completely . you learn in a few days