Can region 1 dvds work on region 2 dvd player?


May 16, 2008
Ok, well their is a dvd I really want to buy on Amazon called Andre the only thing is its Region 1 format, I was wondering if it will work on a region 2 dvd player?
short answer, no.

Long answer, only if your DVD player is NTSC compatable, which if it was an off the shelf cheapy, probably not.
Short answer? No it can't.

Long answer? You might be able to do it...but this will cause you no end of problems.

When DVD first came out the players could be set to differing regions. This was so the companies (RCA for example) could make one DVD player and sell it to all the DVD regions. All one needed to do was to set it in the firmware.

Now this could only be done a couple of times. The first one I had specifically stated that I could only change it 4 times before it would lock onto the last one I set it to. So if that still holds true, you could change the Region Code on the DVD player...but you might be stuck being able to play that one DVD Region 1 DVD...and not the rest of your collection.

What you need to do is invest in a Region Free DVD player (also known as a Multi-region DVD player).

For example...this one.

Which is encoded to play ALL regions.

This is what I did since I like collecting Anime that you can't get here (I have a friend living in Japan who hooks me up). I have the reverse problem I'm in Region One and Japan and the UK (and most of Europe) is Region Two. This player allows me to watch both on one unit.
Not by itself, no. What you can do, is googling if there's a back door for your DVD player. Look at the manual what the exact name of the player is, then look for > "name of the player" region free<. That would be f.e. >"Sony XY-123" region free< . Especially for older gear the manufacturer rendered it possible to switch to code-free by a special combination to press on the remote control inofficially.

Good luck!