Can police get in trouble for eating my Taco Bell?


New member
Jun 22, 2013
Okay I got arrested earlier and my car was impounded. My friend and I were about to smoke a joint so we planned ahead and bought a lot of Taco Bell. When I got arrested, there were 3 tacos and an entire xxl burrito in the bag. The day after when I picked up my car, one taco was left and half my burrito was gone! Was this the cops or the towing people? If it was the police can I sue them? Can I file a complaint for obstruction of personal property or something? Can they get in trouble? I only ask because the officers were not very nice and quite unprofessional through the whole thing. Now I'd like some justice. By the way this is not a joke. My food went missing. This is serious. Okay it's not serious but still. I'm pissed.
Well if you were smoking some joints you could have already consumed the burrito and lost consciousness of your behavior because you were intoxicated.
If the police ate your toco and your willing to hire a detective and a laboratory to DNA inspect the food then you can press charges on the police officer or the impound guy. Other than that 2 dollar toco worth going to court and spending possibly 400 on a lawyer? Your choice.
There are two types of police officers. There are those who are trying to do a good job. It's difficult and you really shouldn't mess with them. They're helping us by protecting us.

Then there are bully cops. You don't want to mess with them. They will ruin your life in ways that you've never thought of.

Don't mess with cops.