Can I sue used car dealership? bought used audi?


Nov 25, 2008
I'm seeking legal advice regarding a car I purchased 9 months go from a small car dealer. I bought a used 2007 Audi A4 in march of 2011 for 17k with 57k miles on it and had problems since day one. I test drove it and it drove perfect no issues or unfamiliar noise. I purchased it in San Fernando Valley CA and about 45 minutes into the drive back home the car started making a ridiculously loud whistling sound coming from the engine. The next day I called the dealer and the man I was dealing with the (owner) refused to pay for it saying the car is sold as is. I ended up having to pay $245 dollars to replace a valve at my local audi car dealership and they did a full inspection on the car and it turns out he sold me a car with all four brakes and rotors where faulty which ran about $1300. The brakes where so bad they advised me not to drive the car. That means this guy from the used car dealer sold me a car with all faulty breaks and rotors when he claimed that his mechanic had just performed a safety inspection on the car. I understand I bought the car as is but I still believe this was wrong! About 3 weeks ago I started hearing a whining sound coming from below the car. I stopped driving the car until a few days ago I had the time to go around looking for a shop to look at my car and ended up at an Audi certified dealer. Turns out the car needs a whole new transmission and warranty will not cover it. What can I possibly do about this it has had other issues as well and I have dumped atleast $2000 in repairs since then and now it needs a whole new transmission which is about $3900 with labor. I believe this is wrong and I still owe about $14500 on a car has been taking shits since day one??? I called the owner today and he said he will review my file. I'm hoping he will help me out some how by trading in my car or helping me with the repair because it was unfair since day 1. I work for a lawyer but I won't be seeing him for another two weeks and would rather handle this issue now rather than later but do have a lawyer if needed and I want to hear peoples opinions. Thank you.
So sorry for your troubles. I own a 2001 Audi TT and I can tell you some horror stories about Audi cars. Unfortunately, it was up to you to have the car inspected and checked by a mechanic before buying it. Audis are known for mechanical problems and for being expensive to maintain or repair. The law pertaining to the sale of used cars is very specific and lies in the principle of Buyer Be Ware! I would not expect this dealer to be of any assistance. Having a lawyer may not help you. I have always purchased used cars and have been lucky, or careful, about the purchase. This happens and the law is written because used cars are just that, used. No one really knows its condition. I grant you the brakes would have been easy to check out, if you know what to look for, but a "safety" inspection can be so superficial that it means nothing. It looks like this car was abused by prior drivers as well as not maintained. I wish I could give better information. Once the car is repaired perhaps it will last for a long time. Just follow the scheduled maintenance in the owners manual. Best of luck.