Can I get sued for this?


New member
Jun 20, 2010
I am working on a Sci-fi Novel. I want to know if it is Illegal to use other alien species for a short appearance. Example. The main character is walking down a hallway on a Dreadnought class war ship. As he is walking an Sanghelli (Halo) walks by. Or a Predator, Ewok, ect. or even make one of my own personality as a side character. Is Just using the Description and or Name of an alien species from other fiction Copyright infringement? Same question for Gadgets, like say I put a almost stargate like thing, without actually calling it a stargate. I ask this because I would like to give a tip of the hat to those who made them.
I am making up my own races. Is it wrong for me to want to toss in an appearance of a Transformer like race?