Can cannabis leave tar deposits in the brain causing permanent damage?


New member
Sep 13, 2011
I'm not saying I believe this, but an answer I read on here just a little while ago is intriguing. The person claims that those with laboratory experience have seen "photomicrographs of black, tarry deposits of fat-soluble substances in the cell walls of the brain "that don't go away. Not sure if he actually seen this or heard second hand. Your thoughts?
Smoking = air goes to lungs. Lungs filter air = sends to heart. Heart mixes blood with air = pumps around body. Brain receives air through blood = work.

No it's filtered at the lungs.
Tar can't get to your brain. When you smoke, and yes cannabis contains tar just like cigarettes do It's been proven no matter what some pot head wants to believe, it goes to your lungs. Your brain has a protective layer called the blood brain barrier on it. So a substance like tar, even if it circulated in your blood, could not enter brain tissue.