Can anyone make me laugh?

there was once a guy who went to a lot of shows... didn't pay much attention though. So he just clapped whenever they repeated something. (example: we raised 20 million for this cause) But one day he went to an aids rally and the peep saying the speech said ," over 20 million people have aids. 20 million!". The man burst out in applause.
what this video : but go to the second one down! ULL PEE UR PANTS!!!!!!!
hip o notic...
um sooo what about airline food?
So a horny husband and his wife are sitting at the computer and he is creating a password for his account he types in MYP***S and the computer says ERROR NOT LONG ENOUGH the wife cracks up laughing
you've probably heard this one but here it is....
a woman goes to her dentist and ask. "Dentist why is it that when i brush my teeth and tongue I gag...but when I'm having oral sex w/ my husband I don't gag....why is that?...the dentist thinks for a minute and replies...maybe your toothbrush is bigger"
well, i can try.. you might have heard this before:

it was 3 days before thanksgiving.
a boy heard his mum and dad shouting "b*tch" and "b*st*rd" to each other. later he asked them, "what is b*tch and b*stard?". his mum said "it means woman and men".

the next day he heard his mum and dad having sex. they said something about "d*icks and t*ts". he asked what they were.
"coats and shoes".

on thanksgiving he went to the bathroom and found his dad shaving his face. he cut himself and said "sh*t!!" "what does sh*t mean?" he was told it was another word for shaving cream.

then he went to the kitchen and his mum was stuffing the turkey. she cut her finger and shouted: "F*UCK!!".
"what does "f*ck mean?"
"it means to stuff the turkey", his mum said.

when the guests arrived, the boy said to them:

"welcome b*tches and b*st*rds! you may put you t*ts and d*cks over there." *points* "dad is upstairs putting sh*t on his face and mum is in the kitchen f*cking the turkey"

haha,... and that was my own version of it. i found it once and didn't remember the exact way it went...