can anyone help with interior design of my lounge ?


New member
Oct 20, 2008
I have really small lounge, square shaped and it is difficult to move furniture around as fireplace on one wall and windows opposite.
I want to redecorate and buy a new carpet but just dont know where to start.
My sofas are dark brown and i also have two dogs so dont want a light carpet.
At the moment walls are cream but i am bored with this.
Any ideas for colour scheme that will match brown sofas and idea for carper colour that is not too light?
Seems your lounge is already crowded and you need to rationalise and leave only the most essential stuff.
Light colours make a room look massively bigger, so if you need to keep your brown sofa you could look at getting light coloured washable covers for it or throws.

The other thing I suppose is if you need a carpet at all, you could get some sort of laminate washable flooring with a cheap rug or two to make it cosier in the winter, and replace them if they get really messed up.

Keep light coloured walls, get some crisp white window blinds to let in maximum light and bring your colour in with bright cushions on the sofa, or a bright floor rug.