Can an Iphone get a virus? ?


New member
Sep 12, 2008
I was wondering if I can get a virus on my Iphone? I have been using Safari lately. If I have a virus how can I remove it and how can I prevent from getting one. Thanks!!
There's not a single virus for Mac OS X (except trojans...but those are non-existent now and you'd have to be pretty stupid to get them on a Mac).

Since the iPhone OS X is the same as Mac OS X only modified, there's even less chance of there being a virus.

One of the modified features is that Safari will refuse to download ANYTHING other than stuff like documents. And if you also know Mac OS X, you'll know that there's no auto run feature.

So no auto run, no ability to download, Mac...there's no possible way to get a virus.

Even the jailbreaks cannot give you viruses (there used to be like one virus...but by now, it's probably gone).