Can all religions please answer this question?


New member
Nov 20, 2008
Why is it that the book of revelations was not written at a later stage or over the period like the 16th or even the 19th century when man had developed an outlook for future growth on earth and a scientific mind to state otherwise?
Thank you Sentinel for starting the ball rolling for answers with an amount of intelligence
Muslim Here.
Islam is the newest religion, basically what do you want 4m a religion that it tells you about every thing in all aspects i.e a full way to live life, as a Muslim I believe in Holy Christ and the Bible as well, but do not know about Christianity, so Islam is the full way to live life, whether you r rich, poor, modern or what ever. One thing I'd write here don't you see the Pyramids, and many other things about which science only make guesses, don't feel that we are the most modern, make sure to keep in mind the Egypt. So you'd get the answer.
you say all religions, but man, i am a pastafarian and i have no idea nor do i care. in order to save yourself from this i suggest you read Bobby Henderson - The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster to find the truth.
Hi, Christianity here.

Well, I would answer that, but Islam is calling. We're hoping to brunch with Scientology later.
You do realize that many religions do not believe in or follow the bible, so why would they care what it says in the book of revelations or who wrote it or how long it may or may not have taken to write it or when it was written.
God inspired the last Apostle John to write the book of revelation which was at the last years of his earthly life while on the island of Patmos, and this writing belongs to the deposit of faith that God gave to the world through all the apostles,had it been written at a later stage it would not have been by an apostle as such and would not have been included in the canon of sacred scripture.
God bless.
seriously if your an athiest and dont care....why bother even reading it.........satan man, satan
Man, I think you cast a spell on me because I've been reading that question for like five minutes and I still don't get it.
People today do not even calculate god, who he is, or his existence, how are they to receive of him if they do not believe in him. God is not to be analyzed by critics or scientific experiments, that is the problem with man, wanting to control everything, and take over everything he does not even understand. No one can even literally tell us where we came from. How can you understand someone as intricate as god. They cannot even see in another realm that is already there. Incapable to see beyond themselves through unbelief. How will people receive him that do not believe on him?