Can a car dealership go against the signed contract and try and get you to


New member
Jul 25, 2008
sign a new one or pay before agreed? I went to a used car dealership on 07/21 and traded my Saturn in for a Kia. They gave me $1500.00 on a trade in for it and used that as a down payment towards the Kia. I didn't have to pay anything at all that day and the agreement, and it states on contract, was that I wouldn't make a payment until 09/04 with monthly payments of $237.67. While we were there, they asked me what I made on my work income and I told them and provided them with a checkstub and a utility bill to show as proof of residence, and then the salesman SPECIFICALLY asked "is there any other income in the home?" at which point I told him yes, that my mother received child support income for my oldest niece and also disability, which he wrote down. He took everything to the finance dept and then a while later, they told me I was approved for financing and sent me back to the finance manager's office. He went over the terms and conditions with me, explained my payments, the interest, etc and we signed all the paperwork and they sent me on my way.

Well yesterday, 07/30, the salesguy clld and said they got a deal where my monthly payments would be lower and that all they needed was verification of the child support income. I told them that wasn't a problem. He asked the child's name and I told them and then they asked if they were mine. I said no the child was my niece and the child support was my mom's, but that we had all the verification if they needed. The salesperson got upset and started saying stuff like "well why would we need your moms income? its not use for you" and just stuff like that. I told him he asked if there was any other income and I said yes. I answered truthfully. Well he said he'd have to call me back and check on the financing now. He called me back about 30 mins later and said I still got the financing, but that I'd now have to go in and sign paperwork and pay $300.00. He said the new contract would have lower monthly payments...I didn't say yes or no, but I'm not sure what to do. This is my first time financing and I'm at a loss. I read the contract and the only thing it says is that the seller has to find financing and if they don't they can cancel contract and at that time I can choose to sign a new one or return car....I'm deadlocked because they took my car as a trade in and it's already sold and if I return the car I'm shit out of luck....I was truthful and honest in the information I gave them and he's making it sound like I'm a liar....