California gun buy-back pics

Apr 17, 2009
From a Calif gun "buy back" program and off to the smelter for $200


I don't get what is going on, other than the guns are going to be smelted?

Edit: Nevermind.
See, uneducated person, when crime in a city is unbearable and there is nothing to do about it, city hall does an event called gun buy back. Its where gangstas and poor rednecks bring there illegal guns in to the police station and receive 200$ without any legal prosecution. Then the guns are melted to make the public feel safer, even though they're not.
Why the fuck would you want to get rid of hk psg1. That gun is almost $11,000. And how the hell was some one able to get an AT4?
Here on Fort knox weapons get stolen a lot. A few months ago they found a 9mm that was stolen in pawn shop, and another one in New York. I see the rewards posters all the time when I go check my mail.
the CIA should use those guns to construct a revolt in a small country for the fun of it