By not meeting with any world leaders at UN, is Obama showing the world...


New member
Aug 25, 2009
...that the US is not going to lead? -Israel / Iran conflict and impending strikes against their Nuclear Program.
-Attacks on our Consulates and Anti-American protests throughout the Middle East
-China/Japan squabble over disputed islands
-China launches first Aircraft Carrier
-Syria continues to be a problem with questions over control of their chemical stockpiles.
-New and questionable Governments in Lybia / Egypt

In International diplomacy, what a President does and who he speaks with send clear messages to those who's interests are not ours.

By not meeting with any of the leaders during the UN conference, what messages is our President sending?

I can see the truth in the words of Condi Rice:
""I know that it feels as if we have carried these burdens long enough. But we can only know that there is no choice, because one of two things will happen if we don't lead. Either no one will lead and there will be chaos, or someone will fill the vacuum who does not share our values"
Interesting question. You're on a roll this morning. I, for one, would be relieved if for once some other countries would shoulder more of the load. Why do the American taxpayers have to pay to police the whole world? I suspect that's not the case though. I suspect that as usual we'll have to carry the main load if anything happens. Fact is, we can't afford any more war.
