Book Recommendations?


New member
Feb 8, 2013
So I just finished the Maximum Ride Series and I'm looking for another series to read.
I didn't really like Maximum Ride that much. The beginning was great and then Max just lost all her kick-buttness and became too soft. The story became all about romance, it was annoying.
But that's besides the point.
I'm looking for books like Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. Something with a lot of fantasy and adventure and a little bit of romance and comedy mixed in. Mythology will also be good but only Greek and Roman.
Sorry. I'm just so picky.. >_>
Don't give me these recommendations:
Harry Potter (read it)
Percy Jackson (read it)
The Heroes of Olympus (waiting for the next book)
Maximum Ride (read it)
The Hunger Games (read it)
Twilight Saga (do not like it)
I've read others but I'm not just going to list everything, it'll take up too much space.
Thanks! <3
do you like anime because if you like anime you will love these
Inu-Yasha(read it and watched it it was amazing)
Vampire Knight(still in the process of reading it i have watched all of them)
Vampire Knight Guilty(it is the second part of Vampire Knight it is awesome i have watched all and am still in the process of reading)
Karen(it is wacky and fun i have read all the books and watched all the episodes)
Naruto(this is halaruos i like it a lot i haven't read the books but i have watched all episodes of this anime)
Tokyo Mew Mew(this is funny it is about a girl that has a secret life,shes a cat human i have watched the episodes but haven't read the books)

Now these are the books if you like Dragons like ME
Dragon Slippers(it is SOOO good i have read the books i dont think there are movies for it)
Dragon Flight(i will read it very soon hopefuly starting tomorow it is the 2nd book to Dragon Slippers)
Dragon Spear(i will read it soon hopefuly i hope you enjoy)
Praise For Eragon(i am about to read the 2nd book hope you like ^_^ )
Dragon Riders(i haven't read these yet but the writer is Anne McCaffrey)
Dragon Lance(it starts with the book Dragon's Of Autumn Twilight i am not sure who wrote it i havent even read it myself)

I have many more but i don't want to take up space hope you enjoy ^_^ :)
Well, I TOTALLY love the Nightshade series by Andrea Cremer. If you haven't read it already, there is a lot of mythical magic in it. It is extremely action packed and there is that bit of romance. But the story line is absolutely awesome. Look it up on amazon and read a sample. I swear, if you haven't already read it, you won't be sorry you did!