Book recommendations for body image issues related to mother/daughter relationship?


New member
Feb 9, 2009
I have suffered from body image issues since my early childhood. My perception of how I should look is radically different from what is humanly possible or healthy. A large part of this stems from my relationship with my mom who is highly critical and judgmental. She is a very petite woman who was a size 2 for most of her life where as I take after my father's side of the family. In my early teens, I was very ill and got down to skin and bone, however, I still had a large frame, weighed 140 lb. (I'm 5' 6") and had 40 inch hips. Although this helped me to realize that the image I had for how I "should" be was an impossibility, I still struggle with feeling like I am not perfect.
Can anyone recommend books related to body image issues and eating disorders resulting from unhealthy mother/daughter relationships?