Bobby Bowden Passes Joe Paterno


Active member
Jul 4, 2007
Joe Paterno is six feet under. (Actually, Paterno might be really hot right now in a place that is much further than six feet under the ground.) Bobby Bowden no longer coaches. However, Bobby Bowden was able to pass Joe Paterno on the coaching wins list to become the all-time leader in FBS wins.

As part of Penn State’s punishment, they had to reverse all their wins back to 1998. Paterno, as a result, lost all those wins and dropped from first on the wins list to seventh. Bowden went from second to first.

Despite the good news for Bowden, he didn’t celebrate.

Said Bowden: “There’s no rejoicing in the Bowden household,” Bowden said when reached Monday. “The most important matter is the young men who suffered. I won’t be able to enjoy it under the circumstances.”

That’s the smart way for Bowden to handle this. That said, congrats to you, Bobby Bowden. You deserve this honor, unlike that piece of trash Joe Paterno.

Bobby Bowden and Joe Paterno (Image:

Post from: EveryJoe
