Bmw X5. What do you think of it?


New member
Jan 11, 2009
My dad wants a new car and Im trying to persuade him to buy a BMW X5.

What do you think of the car?

Good/ Bad?

Any thing at all bout it..... thanks
Thanks for the other suggestions of cars but i've found a good priced bmw and the range rovers etc. are a little expensive.

Note: the one we looking at is used and much cheaper.
Don't get an X5. Get a Range Rover Sport.

Lot more features and its actually useful offroad.

Miles better than the X5.
Fun to drive! Ya look good in them :D but i think the interior is shocking , as with most bmw's thye look stunning from the outside but theres nothing special about the dash board or anyhting its very plain and dosent look expensive to say thats what your looking at all the time. Wheras mercedes and audi have a much more expensive looking interior. I do liek them but i reckon you could get more value for money within a different car! :)