Blackberry curve 8520 or Sony Ericsson W995?


May 14, 2008
i really want a blackberry, i already have the Sony Ericsson and compared it with a blackberry and it said my phone is better, but i'm going to keep my Sony Ericsson just for pictures and things, so should i just go for it and get one? or are they a waste of money? as i've heard alot of people think blackberrys are really easy to break :/
I had a blackberry for a year and overall I would give it 7 out of 10. I loved that phone but it does have it issues. Very easy to catch viruses, freezes up out of nowhere. And when you restart the phone takes anywhere from 5minutes to 13 minutes to come back on. So I wouldn't actually pay for it. And the blackberry app world is a small town compared to Droid market. So save your money.
Blackberry is better.. But like u said its not for rough use. Also the cam is quite good. So all in all not a waste of money.