Biggest loser in your family?

i would never buy her a xmas or birthday gift again, and would maybe never invite them to any family function for at least 10 years.

i have a 35 year old cousin that lives with his parents
Probably my cousin.

Failed 9th grade 3 times, and after the 3rd time he dropped out. Hes in jail right now for possesion and a whole shit load of firearms.

And then his brother is moving back in with my Aunt because hes 100k in debt thanks to gambling. He has a wife with 1 kid, and 1 more on the way.

Yeah, my moms side of the family are all pretty much losers.
my uncle, he still does pizza delivery @ age 50. he also embezzled money from my granny and grandad. hes not allowed @ fammilly gatherings

edit- too drunk to type, soryyr
My brother's a loser.

Photoshop it if you like.
My cousin is a ~35yo drug addict, lives on the street and is HIV+ either from sharing needles or whoring himself to gay men for drug money. He has diagnosed paranoid schizophrenia and smokes cigarettes like it's going out of style. I saw him in Miami once and his fingers were burned, because he couldn't afford a crack pipe and would just hold the burning rocks in his fingers. He's been in and out of rehab for years, once his parents bought him a bunch of furniture in rehab and he traded it all for drugs. They basically disowned him for that.

So yeah, I'd say he qualifies.

My dad's side of the family is pretty well off, on the other hand thoughmy moms side of the family isn't full of like bad people anything but they aren't all that well off.
My whole family is fucked up. Most are alcoholics and fail at life. But i think the biggest loser is my cousin pam.. Shes a total hick and is like 300 pounds. She has like a beard and brown teeth. Shes only like 22 and its really embarrassing going out in public with her. Its acctually really embarrassing just knowing she is related to me. :S
My sister is, shes a lazy stupid ass bitch.

Ya my Uncle is kind of screwed up too, hes mentally challenged, picks up bottles for a living, smells really bad, and thinks I'm still 5 years old. Hes not to bad off though because he lives in an apartment.
my "cousin" meg, knocked up by some white trash guy at 16, kept the kid, is about 300lbs, has sex for crack and money.

No lie.

In case anyone is like "What about the poor baby?" CPS took him at around a year old and he now has a good home.
I'd say I am.

Dropped out of high school.
I drink pretty much every weekend.
I got arrested in the 5th grade for vandalism, criminal trespassing and resisting arrest.
Both my cousins who are on the loser side of the family, one is like 24 and the other is 27 they still live with their parents, they are overweight, they have no social skills but one of them is a genius.
my family is fucking insane.......they get into fights at a funeral,and absolutly every person im related to has to have the last word in an the arguments last decades
Lol, has to be my grandma. She just started hating my family a few years ago. She hasn't talked to us since. She wont even send me a card for X-mas of my birthday.