Big Brother.

I'm watching, but only because there is nothing else worth watching I think it'll be better than the last one. Not that thats saying much but the people are more erm.... outgoing.
i think i will just spend more time on MAP rather than watch that rubbish program. only watched one series, and that was 3, coz that Johnny Reagan person was on, and he is from round here ie worked at the local fire-station.
She's gonna cause some trouble, why go onto big brother then make a big deal about hating authority, fool....
Uh-oh.... heads up.. there's an MA-er in the house this year

*has John Fashanu a flashback
Don't live in the UK, but I did watch German Big brother several years ago and the candidates were really interesting. Don't watch it anymore, no time, no.....whatever!
We have a BB here in Oz too that's been running for a few weeks now (third evictee out on last Sunday) and there's a black belt in Jiu-Jutsu in there too. Look at and see if you can work out who. Person least likely!
I think that Shell is worth a look at, she has got an innocent country girl look to her, you know the type, dirty minx phwoarrr!

Off to the toilet now!

Subtle dude.....

Saw the highlights lastnight and see that Kitten has no balls when it comes to the crunch. Bleating "it's so unfair" and that "it's not my fault" when BB threatens to evict any housemate.
No. Absolutly hate the show. Whats the point of stying in the house and watching people, stay in a a house!!!

Never saw the appeal myself. I suppose it caters to the voyeurs and nosy buggers. But I hate the show.