Bible survey about your own beliefs?


Active member
May 14, 2008
Which of the 10 Commandments is most important to you? You must not only list this Commandment but give supportive reasons as to why this particular Commandment is one that is relatable to you. Essentially: What makes it so important to you and why? Have you had personal experiences with this particular Commandment already in life?

Give two modern day (contextual) examples of people living and abiding by the Commandment you have chosen and also two modern day examples of people going against this Commandment.
None are important anymore Jesus freed us from them. ok wait what karl said. That is the most important one. Through the Lord we are saved from all the commandments. So we must love the Lord with all our hearts.
++++Love God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind and love your neighbor as yourself. On these 2 commandments hang all the laws of the prophets. Many sister and brothers in Christ are like this, however that is not to say they don't make mistakes. If they were perfect Jesus would have died in vain. Anyone, according to the Bible, who's sins are not covered by the blood of Jesus are guilty of breaking all the commandments. Jesus said if you have broken one you have broken them all.++++
thou shalt not kill. nam vet, never in country but saw the ramifications in honolulu. medic. half-crazy idiots going right back to society like nothing ever happened........good strategy!
Thou shall not kill. I like this one because it doesn't involve worshipping and it encourages no killing. An example of going against it is killing, an example of not is not killing.